“Are you TIRED of going back to SQUARE ONE every time

there is conflict in your relationship? Are you ready to GROW

to the next level of HAPPINESS and experience YOUR Best

Marriage EVER? Do you want an EXCITING life in a fulfilling

and thriving household? All this without compromising who

you are or needing to force your spouse to see your point?”

“Imagine waking up in love, ADORED by your mate, being on the same page financially and being admired by friends and family because of the QUALITY of your MARRIAGE; the smart, devoted couple who are AUTHENTIC – the REAL you!”

Well, Give Us ONE Day and We’ll Take YOUR Relationship from Average to Amazing! 0n July 9, Your Exciting Fulfilled, Authentic Relationship is Waiting for YOU BOTH in

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From: Norva Semoy Abiona
Kent, Great Britian
Thursday, 10:00 p.m.

Dear fellow spouse,

Do you feel like you’ve mastered the art of making your spouse completely happy, without compromising who you are or sacrificing to your detriment?
Think back to when you were courting, when you were looking forward to your future life together, you undoubtedly had dreams for what your marriage would look like and that it would easily soar as an amazing institution, not just for you both as a couple but for your children and the wider society. Well, there is no reason to believe that you can’t accomplish that dream today!
But how do you feel about those dreams now? Like many other couples have those dreams disappeared and in its
place you have to live a life that is, at times happy but more often by default, as it comes, than by design? Now you may only be able to recollect on some or all of those dreams; some people will say they’ve been replaced by reality. However, the truth is that whether we realise it or not we create our reality.

Does this sound familiar?

• We used to be so ready to meet each other’s needs, “now I’m not always sure my spouse hears my point of viewyouzign it’s very frustrating!” Even more so if your point of view is correct but your spouse isn’t prepared to acknowledge that!
• Sometimes you feel more appreciated respected by friends and colleagues than when you are at home.  Communication can be strained and you’re being accused of nagging when you’re only trying to help.
• You feel like you are making all the sacrifices and it’s not being appreciated. In fact you feel like it goes unnoticed as if it’s more done out of duty and not a team effort.
• You spend days feeling very lonely in your marriage. You may even end up  overstressed or crying when no one is watching because you don’t want your partner or others to know just how hurt you really feel.
• You get really excited when you have a discussion about growing closer as a couple and family. But it’s short-lived and within a few days to a week you are back to square one again.
• Financially you have totally different ways of looking at improving your assets, so you barely speak sad manabout it, as the conversation would normally end on a sour note.
• You feel like you have to pretend in front of others out side the household. Most times you are trying to make your spouse look good by explaining things he or she has done or didn’t do. You feel like if others knew, it will be embarrassing for both of you.
• You want things to return to the way it was when you were courting. You feel like all the hopes, dreams and promises you made have long been forgotten you’re mostly enduring rather than enjoying the relationship. You long to be on the same page once again, especially financially; you want your understanding best friend back!
• You admire other people’s relationship and sometimes wonder how they do it but you’re afraid to ask. You don’t want them to know that your relationship is not growing like you expected it to. “Can we really get back to the way it was?”

We’ve got GREAT news for you both – We’re giving you an

opportunity that can literally give you your love life back…

But before we do, let us share a bit about one of your event hosts:

How a Domestic Abuse Victim Escaped that Relationship, Started Over and  Created a Fulfilling and Amazing Marriage!

My name is Norva Semoy Abiona, and I’m known as the Relationship Change Catalyst. Why? Because helping marriages go from WISHING to being WONDERFULLY FULFILLED is my speciality! In fact, it started in my own life, then by request I offered advice and support to family and friends. It quickly moved on to helping acquaintances and strangers and this has allowed me to expand my knowledge and now go from one-on-one coaching to speaking to groups via workshops, retreats and seminars etc. I do all this whilst being a wife and full time mum to my 16, 4 and 2 ½ year old girls.
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But my life wasn’t always like this. Twenty years ago I was in an abusive relationship wondering if each day would be my last. After 6 years of marriage I had to skilfully leave for my own safety. By God’s grace I made it out and migrated to the UK for studies. For the first few days I thought that things may change and we would be back together. Reality soon stepped in and the gravity of what I had escaped soon hit home – I haven’t looked back since!
Over 15 years ago I rekindled a friendship with a childhood friend I met while on holiday in the UK at age 13, after a few years of courting we got married. He is the love of my life and I’ve been growing and glowing over the years. During our marriage I have had a few health issues to deal with, but we have gone through it together because we are best friends in an intimate relationship, where we support each other wholeheartedly.
Often times I wonder how I would have coped if I had still been in the abusive relationship when my health problems were at their peak. I recall when, with my ex, I went through some simple health issues I had absolutely no support from him; in actual fact he added more pressure!
But guess what? When my wonderful husband and I first got married it wasn’t always all lovey-dovey. At times my FIERY tongue caused me to be emotionally abusive to him and his decisive nature made me feel ignored and frustrated. He would be quiet for days and I would be yapping out of control trying to be heard. But I soon learnt a great lesson – it was never that my husband didn’t love me or that I didn’t love him, rather we were not trained to have relationship aspirations, ground rules, mentorship and support.
In fact like most individuals entering a marriage, our love and a few bits of advice from others was supposed to be enough to help us be the best husband and wife we could ever be. Over time as I read, listened and learnt I started putting things into practice. I remember one day in particular I sat on the sofa feeling frustrated and lonely. I was wiping my tears because I had asked my husband once again for us to spend more time with each other, even just to sit and watch TV or talk. Just like all the other times he sincerely agreed to do it but didn’t continue to follow through after day three.
This time instead of stewing I began to reminisce on the individual that he is and the fact that he does love me and shows it in many different ways, just not exactly how I kept asking him to, probably because it’s not in his nature.
That evening I became very clear on what my course of action would now be; I will not ask hiSoji and Norvam to do what is not natural to him but just shower him with the love and support he deserved for being him. I decided that I would not expect or ask for anything in return just enjoy giving.
Well, the results have been amazing. My husband took notice and not just commented on it but over time has been doing all that I was asking of him in the past and 500% more than I thought was even possible. Do we disagree still? Yes! Do we have other regular issues to deal with? Oh yes! But now our life is more relaxed, we are 100% ourselves; we put our point across, we are respectful of each other … we know what we are working towards. Our friendship comes first above everything else around us.
Now please hear my heart, I don’t tell you this to brag, but I share this so you can know that I have learnt a thing or two about Relationships and Love. I am sharing honestly, frankly and openly from both a practical and theoretical stand point what I have within me and what I’ve been applying over and over again! Now I’ve got it down in a system!

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What’s my secret? Well, here it is in a nutshell –

The Key To My

Relationship Evolution!

Yes, all because I started writing down the following:-
• what I put into practice and what gave me resultsWise Wife Golden Keys V
• what my hopes and aspirations for the relationship were
• ground rules for my life
• a plan for us as a couple and our entire family.
It’s the easiest, fastest, least expensive way to start making progress in your relationship without frustrating your spouse through forcing them to see things your way! But you must give your partner time to come around to the new you.
Reading every book on relationship, listening to all the speakers in person or on audio, and watching videos and TV programmes will fill you with head knowledge. Growing and glowing as an individual takes practical application of what you’ve learnt. Personal development is the key.
Now, I can’t promise you that you or your spouse will do the work I don’t know you both personally. With both of you being willing to at least come, listen, take notes and hopefully commit to trying I know that you’ll both have a greater chance of a blissful future together. What I do know is that if you simply continue going the way you are the following may happen to one or the both of you or the relationship:-

• stress
• overwhelm
• unhappiness
• you’ll be lying to yourself and others
• wanting to dieMum and child leaving
• wanting to leave the relationship
• health neglect
• looking outside the marriage for comfort and satisfaction
• comfort-spending, eating, dieting…
• divorce
• mental breakdown
• living separate lives in the same house
• stressed children
• fearful children
• unhappy home
• increased grumpiness and conflict
• no sense of purpose
• self-abuse
• financial loss due to divorce or other poor choices

 So can we help you both to possibly avoid all this and have you look at the relationship problem as a rewarding project?
If the answer is YES then…
LNorva and CharmainISTEN closely COUPLES! The Wise Wife and Rebound Finance have teamed up to develop a new programme designed to assist you in significantly improving your relationship!
This is developed for husbands and wives who want to grow in your marital wisdom and develop your relationship to a whole new level. Together we bring a fresh new perspective to the meaning of your relationship bond and financial understanding as one unit. We would like to encourage YOU both to be a part of taking back your
relationship dreams.
For those of us who have had longer-term experience of relationships, there are times at some point where we face all kinds of stressful situations and they are never easy. In fact, relationships are often at times our greatest source of happiness and can be our greatest source of despair.
Understanding how to deal with these situations is something every couple should seek to know – that’s why we’re offering YOU the opportunity to learn and become equipped in your love and financial approach to your marriage.
SO, HERE’S WHAT WE’RE OFFERING – A proven method to help:
  • Feel closer to your partner
  • bring your spark back in your relationship
  • you be admired by your spouse once again
  • turn thoughts of divorce into devotion
  • you stop feeling lonely in the relationship
  • you both be on the same page financiallyfriendship
  • give you a relationship worth speaking about
  • enhance your intimacy
  • have a two way love expressed and felt
  • you have a relationship others admire
  • you feel fulfilled in and outside the home
  • have a relationship of purpose
  • excited about sharing with others
  • you treat each other as Kings and Queens
  • change argue into Are You…
  • you grow in passion
  • work together to build the life you want
  • you are both your authentic self all the time
  • you raise children in a happy, stress reduced household
  • put an end to your straying eyes looking outside for support
  • you make to start making your Financial plan
  • give you confidence as a loved and loving spouse
  • and much, much more
This is the chance to be equipped with the ability to IDENTIFY the issues, EFFECTIVELY work through the problems and ULTIMATELY rekindle or up level your love for each other! We aim to help you achieve this through our carefully designed Love and Finance Clarity Event.
It’s VITAL you get all the pieces of the puzzle, because if you don’t, chances are you’re not going to get the BEST possible RESULTS that you can get if you go it alone.
You’re about to get our ENTIRE, PROVEN Formula on creating the love relationship you want Without changing who YOU both are. Presenting

Create the LOVE Life you Desire, Gain
the Financial HARMONY you Dream of
and the have the future you DESERVE!”

woman and man by window_shrunk

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You’re about to learn our simple, PROVEN, Formula which
teaches you EXACTLY how to start working on your future
together by first getting clear on your intimate connection
and financial desires… With Confidence, FAST.

Whether you’ve been married 1 or 20 years, you’ll discover strategies and tips designed to help you create relationship goals again and again. All you need to do is follow, be open to learning, implementing and growing by putting it into practice and you’ll see these results in YOUR marriage. Here’s just a SAMPLING of what you’ll discover when you attend on the day:

      Session 1

    1. The Honey and Money Model
    2. Living by design,love - Copy
    3. Doing things that are cost effective and that sticks
    4. Playing for keeps, expecting to win…
    5. The Ultimate Love Relationship Model for Real Fulfilment.
    6. The Power of being best friends
    7. Discovering the important hidden gems
    8. Communication & handling conflict
    9. Your Circle

      Session 2

  1. The Lazer Love model tailored to each couplefinance - Copy
  2. The Key areas of relationship to work on for greatest impact
  3. Effective was to plan change
  4. Cash assignment that works
  5. The Cashing model without adding to your salary
  6. Knowing your money blueprint
  7. Feeding your family the healthy cost-effective way
  8. The Debt reduction strategy for paying of Credit Card that works.

      Session 3

  1. The Givers Model Workshops to increase your confidence and commitment.
  2. Getting clarity on what the givers model truly is…
  3. The Givers Model expressed to increase connection and intimacy.
  4. Committing through ConnectionLoving family

      Session 4

  1. Your Next “Power Couple Move” that transforms your connection and creates lasting change.
  2. What you should start on to move forward
  3. The Honeypot Model for a sweet lasting future.
  4. What matters most
  5. Must Taps
  6. CPD for you and your marriage
  7. Financial conversation that work
  8. The twofold of great communicate
  9. United front and back
  10. The benefits of buddying-up…

What others have to say about working with The
Relationship Change Catalyst & Ms Money Saving Expert:


I know that for me personally, recognizing my own need for help was one of the hardest things I’ve ever ever had to do. However, with that said, after reading your book and getting connected with you, it was also one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself and my family. We are each working on our own selves now and on our family as a whole. The journey is in flux; the future is unwritten but the Author knows the end of our story. To know that I am being proactive and we are doing our part now, and asking God to move on our behalf is so much better than being passive and hiding my head in the sand. Reading your book is honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done and speaking at length with you is even better! You have so much wisdom to share and you have opened my eyes to so much in my life that was desperately needing attention and was literally being ignored by me. Thank you, Norva Semoy Abiona!!! ????????????

Sonya E Frair Michigan, USA

July last year it was my 9th year anniversary and it was the first time I had contact with Norva. I was at a friend’s place and I burst into tears because I was so upset with my husband at the time, I had bottled up so much. I couldn’t really share anything with the friend. She asked if I minded her calling a lady who was an expert in these things, so she called Norva who asked if my husband was hitting me and I said “No”, Just the way he speaks to me. Norva then made an appointment with me. On the day of the appointment I had a pen and paper to take notes. During the session with Norva she highlighted I needed to improve myself; Personal Development was what she recommended and for my marriage she suggested a few resources. 
 I realised my husband wasn’t the problem I had self-esteem issues. I read all books recommended and spent time loving myself. Gradually I started to see changes and stopped seeing only his faults when I understood his love language. I still have the notes and refer to them once in a while. My marriage and home is a lot happier and I am so happy I had the opportunity to chat with Norva.

Joy E London, UK

When Norva first suggested things I should consider doing I was not happy but reluctantly followed bits of the advice because I knew what she was saying to me was sound. Years later I can boldly say that it was some of the best advice and support I’ve ever gotten and it helped me make some of my best decisions. Norva’s honesty and love for others is evident in her work – she wants to see us win at the game of life in the most fulfilling way possible. I have learnt to act despite any of my fears, when I know it’s the right thing to do. I am so much happier today.

Dena Fredrick Trinidad

As a wife and mother I’ve put into place the guidelines Norva told me to use and within a matter of a few weeks my client base increased and I was earning money, for the first time in my business. She gave me the confidence to go out and sell my products and services. Although she too is a wife and mum with young children, she manages week after week to speak with me one to one, at a time that suited both our schedules. She has been very patient with me, and worked with my personal challenges and helped me to overcome them. I now have a successful coaching business, after wanting to have one for several years. I look forward to working with her into the future and would encourage anyone who needs motivation and knowledge of relationship or setting up a business to speak with Norva.

Paulette Kumar Birmingham, UK

Norva, thank you for all of your advice and counselling, seriously you played a big part in my happiness right now thanks. 

Rory R Guangdong, China

Sometimes we enter into things prematurely, I got married because I was pregnant; not really understanding the importance of foundation in a marriage. I have been married nine years. The first few years had lots of challenges, I wanted a better marriage but did not know where to begin. I started to seek help and at first my communication with Norva about my marriage was one of me complaining about what he was not doing. She listened to me all the time but then she started to ask questions, gave me advice and directed me to materials. Both Norva’s own content and those she pointed me to from other sources have been a tremendous help to me. I’ve learnt the importance of first improving me as an individual in order to improve my marriage. Thank you Norva for the wealth of knowledge. And being a great example of a Wise Wife.

Felicia S Trinidad

Mrs. ABIONA has been my relationship coach for many years. When I first approached her specifically for relationship advice I was exiting a relationship that began to be verbally abusive. Knowing she had successfully left a bad relationship and married a beautiful person, her opinion was most valuable to me. Since then I have consulted Norva on numerous occasions and each time her support and advice have been sound and very helpful. One thing I value more than any advice I have gotten is Norva’s ability to analyze a relationship. She is able to place herself in both male and female situations and talk truth. This has helped me to be a more objective person in my own relationships and in life in general. She is able to listen, guide but most importantly chide. I will always covet her council.

E Francis New York, USA

I need Charmain to live in my house, she would help to get and keep me on the straight and narrow with my spending – I’d be rich in no time!

TP Nottingham, UK

Charmain can always see a bargain.

RA Birmingham, UK

Oh my goodness Charmain’s advice is so simple to follow.

JB Portugal

So that is how you manage to make ends meet with out over draft or credit card, thanks so much Charmain!

VH London, UK

Charmain is one determined hard headed focused beast of a woman who gives great advice!

AA Nigeria/London, UK

About Your Hosts

Norva Semoy Abiona
is a Relationship coach, Inspirational speaker, Trainer and Author of her #1 Amazon International Bestseller book Time to Go: Leaving Emotional Abuse and other forms of Abusive Relationships.  She is founder of The Wise Wife which helps wives start to create the relationship she wants. She is known as The Relationship Change Catalyst as she promotes to wives how they can Overcome through Change.
Norva has spent many years as a facilitator. Working in the community and with couples, families and government organisations, she has helped to resolve conflict, restore broken relationships and thus transform homes and lives. In 2009 she received the Mediator of the year award. For two decades, due to her personal experience and training, she has been sought after for her relationship insights and invaluable advice, particularly to women. Over the last year Norva has taken her relationship expertise online and has become well recognised for her knowledge and experience. Her no holds barred and comical straight talk keeps clients and audiences coming back for more.
 Charmain profile image white background
Charmain Alleyne is a Published Author, public speaker and finance motivator with a difference, to name but a few assets. Charmain took the bold move to leave corporate 9-5 world and stepped into the world of entrepreneurship. Charmain knows the pain of too much month at the end of the money. With proven strategies to your financial well- being let Charmain Journey with you to unlock the potential in your finances without the need for an extra job or robbing Peter to pay Paul. Charmain’s story is one of success let her help you change your story after all she was dubbed the money saving expert by a millionaire.
 So Are You Ready to Experience the Amazing Relationship You Deserve? Reserve Your Spot TODAY! Why wait any longer to stop going in circles and head for your best marriage ever? On July 9th, you’ll attend an event so completely relationship-changing that you’ll wish you’d done it years ago! But this is an intimate gathering and seating is very limited for this extraordinary seminar, so you’ll need to reserve your spot today. Now to help make your decision even easier, we’ve decided to offer an early bee discount price when you confirm your registration below today!

In Addition We’re Throwing in Some Fantastic Bonuses!

Sign up for My Honey and Money Marriage Seminar Now!… and today you’ll get the following bonuses.
Bonus conversationquick start gifts

Quick start gifts providing information to help you Be even better prepared for the event.

Access to the speakers for 2 calls of 20mins each

Yes Norva and Charmain! I’m ready to attend this impactful event – My Honey & MoneyMarriage Seminar 2016! For the Early Bee Price of just £197 I understand I’m getting: One Ticket which entitles my spouse and I to attend the One Day Relationship Changing event on July 9th 2016. (£997 value by itself!) I will also receive these Bonuses:
Access to Quick Start information to help you be even better prepared for the event.
The opportunity to have 2 x 20mins sessions with any of the speakers from now and up to 31st July 2016. (£300 value)

This event is for you if:
1. You want to stop going back to square one when there is an issue in the relationship.
2. You want to start focusing on creating the relationship you expected when you said “I do!”
3. You want to stop stifling the real you in order to make him or her happy (it doesn’t need to be an either/ or).
4. You want to have a loving mutual understanding about how to handle your finances as a couple
5. You want to stop pretending that all is well when you are around friends, when you know in your heart it isn’t and hope they haven’t figured out.
6. You’re ready to learn, implement and grow together as one love unit.
7. You’re curious to know what others have to share about relationship improvement.

intimacy - CopyFirst of all many people enter relationships with the ‘king-pin approach’ “I am good enough” therefore any major issue is the fault of my spouse. Some people just don’t realise that this can be a primary source of conflict and may end up creating even more friction in the relationship and annoyance your husband or wife. We’re going to teach you the fundamentals that are needed to uplevel your love for your honey and sort out your money differences, no matter where you are in your relationship.

At the end of this event you’ll both leave feeling RENEWED, RE-ENERGIZED and INSPIRED to turn your current relationship into the relationship of your dreams (or know if it’s time to let go). So are you ready to get started? Reserve your space TODAY because My Honey and Money Marriage One Day Seminar is just a few weeks away!

Warmest regards,
Norva Semoy Abiona and Charmain Alleyne
The Relationship Change Catalyst & Ms Money Saving Expert

P.S. Can we level with you? Doing this event is not for us. But it DOES, however, matter to us that you both MAKE A DECISION about it before you jump off this page. Please don’t let this be one more thing you need to “think about.” Nothing will keep you from your dreams faster than delaying your decisions. So Yes or No, trust that and move forward. If YES, reserve your spot and lets work together.

P.P.S. Please note that this is an Early Bee Special ONLY Price; it goes up to the full price of £297.00

“MY HONEY and MONEY Seminar
Create the LOVE Life you Desire, Gain
the Financial HARMONY you Dream of
and have the future you DESERVE!”

Obama family
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Please note that this is an ADULT Only Event there will be no crèche facility and the content we are covering are for Husbands and Wives ONLY (couples). Besides it’ll be a great opportunity for you both to spend the day together growing in love. I’m sure that after the event you will return to the children with even more enthusiasm and optimism for your family’s future.


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Email us at support@MyHoneyandMoney.com


We want to help offer information, support and guidance to your life. Having said that, only hard work, adding value and building a real connection with your spouse will ensure you have the type of relationship you are proud of. We believe our offerings are exemplary and therefore students and clients who put into practice the information to enhance their life get the intended results. However, we make no warranty or guarantee that the knowledge will fit every individual’s personal circumstances or provide any fixed outcome. We don’t know you personally and, as with all things, your results in life are up to you. Fair? Our programs are intended to help you take a closer and honest look at your self and your relationship so you can then decide and take action to get the positive result you desire. Our programs take a lot of commitment and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavour for personal development program.

Please don’t register as a program or event participant if you believe that our content on it’s own, without decisive and consistent effort on your part is all it takes to see positive results. We enjoy supporting participants who are ready and willing to dedicate time and energy towards your progress. We simply want to impart into your life by providing great content, guidance, strategies and tips. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; if you participate fully in our event or program and at the end of the day of the event or 30 -day into our longer program you can show you participated full on but gained nothing (knowledge, insight, understanding or support) you will be given a full refund minus 30% administrative cost, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just contact one of our team members to open a refund request.

Again, please be aware that all our products and services are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future happiness, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax, health or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced on this or any of our sites, are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a set outcome for you. Real Fulfilment International, My Honey and Money, The Wise Wife, My Choice Marriage and all of it’s other associated companies cannot and does not take responsibility for how individuals and couples interpret or use the information provided. In addition, none of our companies, its board members, employees, agents, vendors, comrades,
volunteers or associates claims any ability to produce specific results.

Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you must personally work to wards improving your life. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. We believe in being transparent and want you to know that we hold ourselves (and you) to a very high standard of integrity. That’s why we also put our disclaimer on this page, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a satisfaction guarantee. Also know that we get a lot of great feedback from our participants, students and clients. Every one of the testimonials you see on this site is real. However, in order to protect people’s identities, we may change or shorten names. Finally, we use a combination of personal and stock photos, solely for illustrative purposes, do not assume we have an end endorsement by each person or establishment seen in the images.

Thanks for stopping by. Always remember that when negative situations come your way, for most things you can “Overcome Through Change!”